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Customer Reviews
“I had been having trouble with flats since I bought our Kubota 9540 about 18 months ago. I tried other so-called tire sealants; none of which did any good. We do a lot of shredding on our Texas ranch. The property is covered in Huisache and Mesquite trees, and we always have big trouble with flats when shredding it. The first day we had three flats. It was going to cost $3,500 to fill my tires with foam. I decided to try MULTI SEAL ®instead on the recommendation of my farm supply dealer. MULTI SEAL® costs much less, and I finished the shredding at the ranch without ANY flats. In fact, I added the leftover MULTI SEAL® to my utility vehicle “mule” that already had three leaking tires and have had no flats or leaks since. I plan to put it in every tire on the ranch. Thanks MULTI SEAL®.”
Wes Cole | Cole Cattle Company, Victoria, Texas